Improve Candidate Quality

Imagine a pipeline with only the most qualified senior engineers...💡

Get a reliable signal on candidates without lowering the bar.

How We Do It

Structured Rubrics

Our rubrics are created and scored by real engineers and tested on thousands of candidates, giving you an incredibly high-signal technical vetting process every time. 💯

Real World Work

LeetCode sucks and senior engineers don't enjoy cramming for a code quiz. We offer async engineering scenarios that ask them to solve real problems in less than 90 minutes. 👊

High Bar

Different from an automated quiz, but not easier. We keep a high bar by evaluating candidate solutions on a scale and involving real engineers in every part of the process. 🧐

"In all honesty, all I care about is that I'm getting good quality candidates in a day, and whatever process you’re doing is magic and it works."
Amir Tasbihi
Co-Founder & CTO, Gryps

Radically Improve Your Candidate Quality

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