The Worlds First AI Tech Recruiter

Fast Track Your Best Candidates To Final Rounds Without Reviewing 100s of Resumes

Don't Lose Your Best Candidates Because They Had To Wait...

Woven’s AI Tech Recruiter can instantly compare applicants to the most important criteria for your role, identify the best fit, personalize communication with them to sell the opportunity and assess technical fit.  

With 24/7/365 access your candidates get a personalized touch faster than your competition so you don’t miss any qualified candidate. 

Step 1: Candidate Applies

As soon as a candidate applies to a role the AI Tech Recruiter will check for any ‘deal-breakers’ (ie years experience, tech knowledge, location, etc).

Qualified candidates will be moved to the next step instantly.

Step 2: Personalized Sell-The-Candidate Convos

A great candidate experience isn’t fully automated, or at least it doesn’t seem that way!

Candidates can choose to have a voice, text, or video conversation with the AI Tech Recruiter to get their most pressing questions answered.

The AI Tech Recruiter will be trained on your company content and criteria.

Step 3: Technical Assessment

In minutes, not days or weeks, your most qualified candidates will be invited to complete a short technical assessment to determine skill fit for the job.

Customize your tech assessment to the role, seniority level and necessary skills to get the best data possible on qualified candidates.

What About Hiring Regulations?

The AI Tech Recruiter exceeds regulations in even the toughest regions.   It has been trained to avoid illegal questions and remove bias.

Want To Learn More?

Let’s schedule a time to talk about your hiring needs to see if Woven is a good fit.